The world of film and TV production is facing enormous challenges in the coming months, and in the post Covid 19 ‘new normal’ the health and safety of cast, crew and the public has to be a priority in our industry.
The Perdix team has long-term experience and expertise in working in
hazardous environments; including CBRN training and real life military and PMC
operational experience. To add to that extensive training and experience, Perdix team
members have all also completed screen specific Covid Safety Protocol
Certification for safety in today’s filming environment. See our certificates here.
At Perdix, artist and crew safety has always been our highest priority. Now we
have bought our years of experience in health and safety on set together with our
unique and specialised training in CBRN.
Our Risk Assessments and Health and Safety protocols have been updated and re-graded for the new environment that today’s filming presents. We are wholly aware that our industry faces new and difficult challenges in a world that has never needed us more (what kept 90% of the population sane during lockdown but Film and TV?) we have met that challenge - with us; you, your production, your cast and crew are, as always with Perdix - in safe hands.
Please call, mail or text us for details of our post Covid-19 Health and Safety and Risk Assessment procedures, with are here with advice and information 24/7.